1. "S-ESP"


S-ESP is a natural brain process that involves subtle developments of our natural senses of sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste. S-ESP alerts us to information that is EXTRA-SENSORY, i.e. feelings, sensations, and thoughts that are not the result of sensory input, but rather is information that our brain perceives without sensory input.


Many people may feel that S-ESP is nothing but "imagination", and this is the cultural bias towards extra-sensory perception that occurs frequently to most every person on a daily basis.


We tend to disregard S-ESP signals and thoughts, and chalk it up to nothing more that a fleeting thought.


However, upon careful consideration, when one takes the time to consider the implications of such extra-sensory information that may seem like nothing more than a daydream, it soon becomes apparent that such S-ESP thoughts, images, and feelings carry great importance. When an individual begins to make time to seriously contemplate such subtle messages, it is clear that such mere "imaginings" can make a tremendous difference in one's experience to say the least.


One important difference between plain imagination and S-ESP is that imagination is frequently a deliberately conjured process, where-as S-ESP is a completely spontaneous and effortless process that occurs when a need arises that the ordinary physical senses fail to address.





Just as our physical senses help us to survive and improve the quality of our life, S-ESP also provides us with an additional source of more subtle information to accomplish these same needs of increased survival and enhanced life experience.


Whereas our physical senses grab our attention, S-ESP is usually ignored in the din of distraction and cultural static.


Our daily attention is captured by work, urban sights and smells, worry, family, television and radio, advertising, and everything on every corner. Our senses are overloaded and we can fail to heed our own personal needs and wishes.


But when one is quiet, one can hear an inner signal that is true and unique to ourselves.


Such perception of insight/creativity/S-ESP is usually brief and very subtle as is the overall nature of most S-ESP perception, although such occurrence of S-ESP can be sudden and dramatic as well if the need is great enough.


Preliminary examination shows that this can and is likely to occur in particularly quiet, still, and dark environments and is more readily perceived as a result of listening to music or sound that produces a state of "alert-relaxed-attention".


"Alert-relaxed-attention" is a distinct and different state than what is produced by overly-familiar music and sound, popular music typical of broadcast and commercial media, meditation, primitive trance inducing rhythm and music, and "new-age" music. These types of sound and music either produce too much excitation, too little stimulation, too much relaxation, boredom, or effort to retain in a comfortable state.


The music in this study has been chosen specifically to produce the desired alert-relaxed-attention that lends itself to the generation of insight/creative/S-ESP.



The type of extra-sensory perception involved in this study is NOT the type of ESP associated with deliberate and guided effort, i.e. "reading someone's mind", selecting hidden symbols from a set of cards, predicting random number selection, predicting specific events (lotto numbers, political outcomes, games of chance).


S-ESP is a spontaneous perception involving the sensation of insight, telepathy, pre-cognition, clairvoyance, or clairaudience. No effort whatsoever is made to invoke such perceptions, but rather, such perceptions occur spontaneously, naturally, and without any deliberate means to invoke or make such perceptions occur. It never occurs to "prove a point", show off, or to play a game. 


S-ESP is the engagement of natural abilities and perceptions that enhance one's survival or quality of life in a more refined manner but not unlike the passive normal five senses of taste, touch, hearing, sight, and smell. Such S-ESP perceptions occur from real need when the ordinary senses have failed to provide adequate perception or solutions.


S-ESP is the natural PASSIVE elicitation of subtle perceptions that occur without any sensory data input or conscious deliberate communication such as talking, writing, visual, auditory, or otherwise. S-ESP is simply having a brief vision, auditory perception, feeling without any kind of sensory input related to the perception of such information. It can be related to any subject, problem, person, place or thing.







Listening to the right kind of music is among the easiest methods to become sensitive to one's personal S-ESP. Historically, meditation, prayer, chanting, and other rituals have been used to engage one's S-ESP, but music may provide similar if not superior benefits than these other methods.


Many people do not have the interest in these activities, or may be bored by them, or may not have the time to set aside such practices. Listening to music however, can be done nearly any time or place, without setting extra time aside. The effects occur quickly, and occur without any effort whatsoever.


Although the exact mechanism is not clear, it is theorized that the right kind of music creates a comfortable alert yet relaxed state in the brain, that occupies ones conscious attention and thought process, which in turn frees up other processes in the brain to receive sub-conscious and super-conscious information. This information when received then rises to the surface of the listener as a conscious thought in the form of a extra-sensory "daydream" like vision, an auditory sound or phrase, and idea which can then be utilized.


The effect of the music and the type of S-ESP it elicits will vary to one degree or another depending on elements within the music such as tempo, amplitude, melody, and harmonic content. Certainly, the effects of one piece will be different for each individual no different than different foods may have different effects depending on one's tastes, history, and preferences.


Headphones (or “ear-buds”) should be used, with the exception of listening in an automobile.  If headphones are not used, speakers may be used, although results can be greatly inhibited from this, especially small or poor quality speakers with poor audio bandwidth and audio reproduction.




(Headphones vary greatly in size and quality. “Ear-buds” typically do NOT have an accurate and flat audio response and should be avoided except as a last resort, or unless one is familiar with proper device and application equalization (EQ) to produce an accurate sound reproduction without an emphasis of bass or treble frequencies.


Recommended headphones for the study may be purchased inexpensively online for as little as $12, or in person at any Best Buy for under $20 (they will also match any lower online price). The recommended model has a wide and flat audio response which reproduces sound accurately as intended. The highly preferred recommended model is the JVC HAS160 (any color). These headphones have been shown to have very accurate level of sound reproduction, surpassing any number of models at any price, including many so-called audiophile and professional headphones costing a great deal more.)


Each sound/music sample should be listened to while the participant is alone in one of four environments, listened in order of preference:

1) In a comfortably hot water bath (tub) with the bathroom lights out, in as dark as is possible.

2) In bed at night just before sleep, with the room lights out.

3) On a quiet walk of at least twenty minutes duration.

4) In a room with the lights turned out in a seated comfortable position.

5) While driving in one’s automobile of at least ten minutes duration. (Most people already listen to music while driving- and this music is even less distracting than ordinary music. Attention will be somewhat compromised, but that's why this is last on the list).


It is suggested that if possible, each participant listen to each individual given audio sample in multiple environments as given above, or preferred in all of the given environments once for each sample.


Conversation with other persons should be avoided for a short period after the listening period.


It is preferred that the listening activity be done with no other persons present to avoid distraction. In the case of bed time listening, simply finish conversations before the listening period and shortly thereafter if for example, sharing a bed.


REPEAT listening to the selection once or several times as desired in the chosen environment.


Observe quiet or silence for several minutes after completed listening.


You may burn the music file sample to a CD for your convenience in using using whatever CD burning software you have with your computer.






One preliminary task that may aid in the perception of insight/creativity/S-ESP is to formulate A SINGLE QUESTION before listening to a given audio clip.


Such a question is best related on a personal matter, but on any topic- personal, financial, health, occupation, or otherwise. The question is best written down before the first listening to the given audio selection. Again, do not ask a question about "winning lotto numbers" or something that will "prove" you have ESP. This should be a sincere question regarding a problem, or unanswered predicament.


Once the question is formulated- FORGET ABOUT IT. Don't dwell on it, don't look for an answer, don't try to make your ESP work so you get an answer. Just briefly ask the question at the start, and let it go. You may or may not receive an answer, and if you do get an answer, it may not be the one you are looking for or wish to get. If you get an answer, make note of it and include a non-specific note, "I received an answer to my question" in  your email reply.





It is important that most all of your attention be given to LISTENING TO THE MUSIC PROVIDED, and that's all.


ALthough one can listen to the music as one would listen to any music simply for pleasure, to specifically engage S-ESP Do not perform work while listening to the selection.

Do not keep looking to see if your insight/creativity/S-ESP is working or not.


JUST LISTEN TO THE MUSIC. Enjoy it. Pay attention to it.


The results you are anticipating or probably looking for (we all want to have ESP...) will be inhibited by ANY deliberate effort to make the music turn on S-ESP or anything else. You have to let the music do it's own thing.


The way Music For ESP works is by keeping your brain busy with audio CONTENT, so that the subconscious processes of your brain will allow insight/creativity/S-ESP to be generated passively. Any effort made to keep checking to see if it's working or not, or to make it work, will only inhibit, reduce, or stop the effect from occurring.


Relax, and simply listen and pay attention to the music, and nothing else. Don't worry about it!


You already have all the S-ESP you need. This method is merely to establish an easy, effortless way to allow it to manifest itself so that you can avail yourself of this natural process and ability.


When you receive a new link for a new audio download, stop listening to the preceding piece of music and listen exclusively to the new piece for the next part of the study. Continue until the last link has been sent and you are notified of the conclusion of the test.


About five downloads will be provided, each consisting of one or more sounds or pieces of music.


Listen at low to moderate volume, as is completely comfortable.







Precedence has been established over millennia and even before specific recorded history regarding the use of sound and music to engage and produce desired altered states of consciousness including but not limited to creativity, problem solving, feelings of spiritual enhancement, and extra-sensory information gathering. This study is simply designed to collect statistical data regarding the elicitation this variety of spontaneous perceived non-sensatory information impressions (“S-ESP”) upon individuals following exposure to selected music and auditory stimulation.


Two types of auditory signals will be used: 1) Enhanced white noise 2) Musical selections.


Enhanced white noise is combination of electronically produced random complex wave forms known as “white noise” with the addition of organically produced sound samples from crickets, fans, and moving water.


Music selections are based a combination of elements in each music piece consisting of timbre, pulse, amplitude, and unique melody and harmonic elements chosen. If you are somewhat familiar with some of the selections from previously listening to the catalog of "brain music" (Neil Slade) or sound it does not matter. Deliberate listening in the described environments as described (3. Procedure) will likely produce a unique and new effect from previous.


Some music will be faster up-tempo, while other selections will be slower.


Your experiences may be limited to certain selections, or you may respond to all of them, or your response may be of different types depending on the selections.






Other music may be listened to as normal throughout the day.


However, do not listen to other music not specified for a section of the test (such as your favorite CD, radio, TV, or other) for the period set aside while you are listening to the study audio file.  Please allow a period of 20 minutes BEFORE and 20 MINUTES AFTER listening to the study selection before listening to any other music.


However, Do NOT listen to any other music immediately before bed time after listening to the study music.






It is HIGHLY recommended to keep a notepad and pen or pencil next to your bed to jot down any fleeting ideas or perceptions that will occur during dreaming, as one begins to fall asleep at night, or as one begins to awake in the morning.  Besides the period while you are listening to the music and immediately there after, these periods in bed are very conducive to the perception of insight/creativity/S-ESP.  Images and messages in dreams in particular are prone to be forgotten unless notes are immediately made before arising.


Dreams may be greatly pronounced, usual, or even just slightly different during the test period. The results you have may occur during dreaming.


Even better than a pad and pencil is a small tape recorder that you can use without even turning on the light. It also allows you to keep the light off and remember without the disturbance of the light.


It is also recommended if possible to carry a small notepad with one's self during the entire period of the study to jot down any impressions or perceptions that will occur. Such perceptions almost always occur when least expected.



For any further questions please contact:

Neil Slade
